Monday, June 4, 2007


The Catholic Church and the Orthodox Churches,
which account for about four fifths of the world's Christians,
do not believe:

1. That what you represent IS Christian theology.

2. That you can make God responsible for Angelic choice or human choice when those choices are for rebellion. These intelligent beings, according to the overwhelming body of Christians, are free to make a choice for or against the law of love.

3. That Hell is essentially a place, but they rather believe that Hell is a state of being.

4. That objective standards of right and wrong are created. God is Good and naught else, they believe, in God's very substance of Being and hence what is right is in fact this very nature of God, essentially Love, that is the entire Will for the fullest joy of the beloved.

5.That "sin" are acts contrary to an arbitrary God's objective moral standards (see #4). Sin, they believe, are thoughts, words, or actions that are contrary to the fullest wellbeing of themselves and of others.

6.That the earth etc. were created with the "appearance of age."

7.That there was a literal tree. That the tree provided knowledge of God's objective moral standards. The "tree" was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Christian Theology (Catholic and Orthodox) believe Adam and Eve were created in a preternatural state of moral perfection and intelligence, of will and of character, whole, good and with complete integrity. Eating from the "tree" (a metaphor) was not to increase their integrity but to know the difference between good, which they already knew and evil, that is they wanted to know evil, how it differs from the good they possessed since their creation. Quite different from what you are saying.

8. That Adam and Eve had no knowledge of moral good (what you call God's objective standards, see #7).

9. That the tree would enlighten them.

10. That they didn't know before hand that "eating from the tree" was wrong, since God commanded that they refrain. Bear in mind, no one is saying that this story is literal among Catholic theologians. But it is, according to the, still true." Eating from the tree" wasn't to enlighten but rather to "be like God." At that instant, at the instant where they chose to be equal to God, at the very nanosecond of decision, made with a clear mind, free will, devoid of confusion, full of malice, they Fell from reality into sin, which is a distortion of reality, and instantly bore the result of that decision, spiritual death, confusion, moral blindness etc.Christians do not believe that the two were duped, poor little Adam and Eve. No.

11. That the descendants of Adam and Eve bear the guilt of their sin. The descendants bear the results, effect of their sin, because, no one can give what they don't have, and these two could not generate from their fallen nature, natures perfect every way. Everyone of their descendants has born the effects of this Fall because the Fall debilitated human nature. They believe that God could and did fill some descendants with grace and made them righteous, but that story must wait until later. In any event, no one escapesd the effects of the Fall. This is not logically God being a meanie, rather this is the way reality is. Nemo dat quod non habet. I once read that on a toilet stall door's wall. "Nobody can give what they don't have." More anon on this.

12. That only afterwards they knew what they did was a sin. They knew when they did it. What they didn't know was the experience of having done it, done what was evil. It was this immersion in evil that was new to them.

13. They believe that those who are not regenerated by the waters of Baptism will not be saved. Now this is a involved matter, you can appreciate, and not ameanable to a sound or text bite. Suffice for the moment to say that to be saved a human person must acknowledge that God is, that God rewards good and punishes evil, and that they conduct their lives in goodness, eshewing evil. This suffices for those who have not been given to know the Gospel and is an implicit desire (they would if they knew) for Baptism. You may quarrel with this but it is not the matter as you misrepresent in the video.

14.That Lucifer was allowed to take a physical form [of a talking serpent]. Myth, but true
in content. Myths are not necessarily false, they are motifs to get across a truth.

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